How often are the lifecycle dates of an applications updated? (under the 'Details' from General tab in the Application Properties).
I've notice that most of them have a null (None) value. Is this something that is checked/updated on a regularly base?
Thank you!
Jul 28, 2021 02:30 PM
@laurah - Having the life cycle data populated within the FlexNet/ITAM application catalog is an additional Service Subscription add-on that must be purchased. This information is not provided with a standard FlexNet Manager/Flexera One ITAM license.
Jul 28, 2021 03:00 PM
@laurah - Having the life cycle data populated within the FlexNet/ITAM application catalog is an additional Service Subscription add-on that must be purchased. This information is not provided with a standard FlexNet Manager/Flexera One ITAM license.
Jul 28, 2021 03:00 PM
Without Flexera Data Platform to identify EOS/EOL and as @kclausen mentioned the Service Life Data Pack add-on service for FlexNet Manager. Those specific fields are a manual entry.
Most of the big manufactures have lifecycle management sites that will give you the EOS/EOL information that can be entered into those fields. As examples:
Microsoft: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/lifecycle/products/
Adobe: https://helpx.adobe.com/support/programs/eol-matrix.html
Oracle: https://www.oracle.com/us/assets/lifetime-support-technology-069183.pdf
Red Hat: https://access.redhat.com/product-life-cycles?product=Red%20Hat%20Satellite%20Server
VMware: https://lifecycle.vmware.com/#/
IBM: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/lifecycle/?mhsrc=ibmsearch_a&mhq=life%20cycle#/
Agreeing with @kclausen an automated process is the desired state though.
Aug 03, 2021 07:17 AM