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HP UD Inventory adapter issue


I'm using OOB the HP UD adapter i.e., to load the data to FNMS compliance from staging,
all the configurations are correctly also the connectivity test is succesull but i get the following error, not sure what it is

ImporterMessage>The version query for connection 'HP_UD' failed, or did not return any records. Check the version query in reader.config for this connection type.</ImporterMessage>

<ErrorMessage>The version query for connection 'HP_UD' failed, or did not return any records. Check the version query in reader.config for this connection type.</ErrorMessage>

(1) Solution

It's fixed now,
There was an issue with Permission, So i executed the following query 
.\Config.ps1 "Config\FNMS Windows Authentication Config.xml" forceUpdateConfig

Config.ps1 file is available in support folder of flexera setup

View solution in original post

(3) Replies
By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

This message likely indicates that the following query failed or didn't return any value when executed against the source staging database you have configured:

SELECT [Value]
FROM uCMDBStagingDatabaseConfiguration
WHERE Property = 'SchemaVersion'

What result you get when you execute this query against the source database?

(Did my reply solve the question? Click "ACCEPT AS SOLUTION" to help others find answers faster. Liked something? Click "KUDO". Anything expressed here is my own view and not necessarily that of my employer, Flexera.)

Thank you @ChrisG  now I don't see any of those errors after inserting the schema version, Files are getting created in the intermediate folder but I don't see them uploaded to the Staging tables of FNMS Compliance like an imported computer or an imported virtual machine.
I investigated further these adapters and found that they look at compliance connection ID to insert the data into these tables. So when I check the compliance connection table, I don't see the newly created adapters Connection in this table not sure why, can you suggest


It's fixed now,
There was an issue with Permission, So i executed the following query 
.\Config.ps1 "Config\FNMS Windows Authentication Config.xml" forceUpdateConfig

Config.ps1 file is available in support folder of flexera setup