Can someone please help with the following customer questions please?
“Raw evidence type - The type of imported installer evidence as retrieved from the inventorysource, for example, MSI, OUI, Uninstall.”
Could you clarify what the evidence type Uninstall means?
Nov 19, 2019 10:02 AM
The evidence type of "Uninstall" is basically coming from the Windows Add/Remove Programs.
Nov 19, 2019 10:23 AM
Uninstall should refer to an uninstall string for an application found on the device.
Nov 19, 2019 10:24 AM
Should Uninstall evidence be calculating consumption?
Nov 19, 2019 10:28 AM
The evidence may be used for recognition of an application being installed, and if the application has been recognized as installed, it can be used to calculate consumption.
Nov 19, 2019 10:33 AM
Kirk is correct, this relates to Add/Remove program entries. This comes from Windows registry in the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall key and so when imported into FNMS it is referred to as Uninstall evidence.
Nov 21, 2019 07:58 AM