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Agent automatic deployment upgrade log

Does fnms produce a log during the automatic agent upgrade feature, and if so where?

We are looking for entries for our failed agent auto upgrades. For example we have 1k+ that successfully auto upgrade to the version we specify, but a portion have failed to upgrade due to issues with the target systems such as lack of drive space, etc.

We can see the install data in logs on each individual system, but we need a central log in fnms that captures this.

On-Prem , fnms 2023 R2

Thank you


(2) Replies

Agreed, having to touch each individual device or write scripts to do it for us can be time intensive and allow for more human error to cause problems.  Finding ways to manage or triage the devices in the web Ui would be better for agent upgrades and maintenance in general.

@karljwogoman / @joshua_neadow 

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