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By Level 6 Flexeran
Level 6 Flexeran

What's new in this release
       Changes to note: 

  • Count of new applications added:
Publishers Number of Applications
Red Hat 44
Sharp Electronics 9
JetBrains 8
Adobe 6
Alteryx 5
Hewlett Packard Enterprise 5
AspenTech 4
Microsoft 4
BETA CAE Systems 3
Oracle 3
Others 84
Total 175

Current Library Totals:

  • Number of applications in ARL:  349,533 across 21,683 Publishers.
  • Number of commercial applications with service life dates: 91,072
  • Number of evidence recognition rules: 2,115,339
    • Installer evidence rules: 1,470,562
    • File evidence rules: 642,903
    • WMI evidence rules: 1,511
    • Application suite evidence rules: 363

Details of changes in the ARL

You can inspect changes made in this ARL release as per the following links: