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Unable to install "User Console 5.5.14_Analyze_NBIDLLS Update Set"

Hi @ll,

I'm unable to install "User Console 5.5.14_Analyze_NBIDLLS Update Set".

Setup is still running, but nothing happend and no error appears in the log file.

I've attached the BDNA.log and Setup.log. I've already updated the catalogue and restarted the Server several times.

Thanks for your support

(4) Replies



sorry had to reopen this issued, because the update of the BDNA UC to Version 5.5.14 doesn't work at all 😕

As you can see, the setup process req. about 2hrs to impersonate and is then terminated with an error.  Find attached the latest log files. Looking forward to your comments.



2019-10-16 22:46:31,051 0 INFO  Update set=[]
2019-10-16 22:46:31,051 0 INFO  Updater: Processing User Console 5.5.14_Analyze_NBIDLLS Update Set...
2019-10-16 22:46:31,238 0 INFO  Updater: executing command line: [/NBIFILE="%BMS_HOME%\update\"].
2019-10-16 22:49:36,765 0 INFO  Impersonate login
2019-10-17 00:46:40,311 0 ERROR System.Exception: Updater: Failed to process /NBIFILE="%BMS_HOME%\update\". Please see the updater.log file for details.
   at BDNA.Agent.NBR.FlowItem.SynUpdateFiles.RunUpdateCmd(String cmdParam, String cmdDesc, Boolean noWait)
2019-10-17 00:46:40,311 0 ERROR Updater: Error occurred.
System.Exception: Failed to execute [User Console 5.5.14_Analyze_NBIDLLS Update Set].
   at BDNA.Agent.NBR.FlowItem.SynUpdateFiles.RunUpdateCmd(String cmdParam, String cmdDesc, Boolean noWait)
   at BDNA.Agent.NBR.FlowItem.SynUpdateFiles.UpdateSyncFile(File_Info fileInfo, Boolean noWait)
   at BDNA.Agent.NBR.FlowItem.SynUpdateFiles.ExecuteFlowItem()
2019-10-17 00:46:40,311 0 ERROR System.Exception: Failed to execute [User Console 5.5.14_Analyze_NBIDLLS Update Set].
   at BDNA.Agent.NBR.FlowItem.SynUpdateFiles.RunUpdateCmd(String cmdParam, String cmdDesc, Boolean noWait)
   at BDNA.Agent.NBR.FlowItem.SynUpdateFiles.UpdateSyncFile(File_Info fileInfo, Boolean noWait)
   at BDNA.Agent.NBR.FlowItem.SynUpdateFiles.ExecuteFlowItem()
   at BDNA.Agent.NBR.FlowItem.BaseFlowItem.Execute()
2019-10-17 00:46:40,311 0 ERROR System.Exception: Failed to execute [User Console 5.5.14_Analyze_NBIDLLS Update Set].
   at BDNA.Agent.NBR.FlowItem.BaseFlowItem.ErrorHandler(Exception se)
   at BDNA.Agent.NBR.FlowItem.BaseFlowItem.Execute()
   at BDNA.Agent.NBR.Flow.BaseFlow.ExecuteFlow()
   at BDNA.Agent.NBR.Flow.BaseFlow.Execute()


Hi Dennis,

From your logs it looks like it actually completed all the steps in the patch process for, but it may have timed out on starting the user console service and resuming the rest of the 5.5.14 patch.


Did you receive a prompt which was requesting your credentials while this upgrade was in progress?

We can try to help manually patch your environment for 5.5.14 via command line.


@blalvani , thanks for your Feedback regarding my issue.

I've tried it again and did not see any prompt to enter my credentials and the UC Service is running after the update.

Would be good to know how to install this patch via cmd line.


Thanks and Best,



I think I managed the update by my self. I used the follwing commands to run the updates

C:\Program Files\BDNA\User Console\bin\updater.exe" /FILE="C:\Program Files\BDNA\Data Platform\update\"]


Unfortunately, this error also occurs during manual installation via the CMD. I always waited until all processes were finished and then ended the process for the NBIDLLS update. The update of the other ZIP files ran without problems.

Only the update for version 5.5.22 ran completely without any problems. The WebUI of the BDNA User Console now shows the current version.

Unfortunately the BDNA Admin Console still reports that there is an update for the UC (5.5.14 - 5.5.22). How can I check if version 5.5.22 is really installed? Is there a feature only available in the latest version?




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