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We have been listening to customer feedback and understand you want more updates and clarity around our process once an Idea has been submitted.

As a high level summary:

  • We're Idea junkies! We'll read every new Idea we get and update status within 3 weeks
  • If you want to get our attention start voting!! Voting = Eyes on your Ideas
  • If your Idea has been reassessed you'll hear about it via email notification
  • We want to say "YES" to everything, but we can't do it all! Sometimes we have to say "No" to Ideas.  It's not personal!

The following outlines our process in a lot more detail:

  1. Initial Review Turnaround
    We aim to assess and update the status of your Ideas within three weeks of receiving them.  Please refer to our existing FAQ ‘What does each Idea status mean?’ for further information on the statuses.
  2. Future Reassessment of Ideas Backlog
    We aim to proactively reassess the top 5-10% of Ideas, based on voting demand as part of our quarterly roadmap planning process.
    1. Voting will form the basis of what is assessed as the initial indicator the Idea is important to many customers.
    2. We cannot provide you a specific number of votes threshold as this will change over time as the volume and demand for Ideas grows.
    3. We cannot reassess and update every Idea in our backlog as we are not resourced to do this. Our aim is to focus on those Ideas that have clear demand.
  3. Additional Reassessment Criteria for Future Roadmap
    We will make decisions on what will and will not get promoted to our roadmap based on the following additional criteria once an Idea has got our attention via voting demand:
    1. Product strategy and direction
    2. Direct feedback from customers during contact with our Product Management team
    3. Market trends and competition
    4. Coverage across major vendors to cover key use cases
    5. Technical feasibility. For example: can we technically engineer a solution to cover the use case.
    6. Financial investment assessment
    7. Use cases that solve problems for a large customer base
    8. Business impact for customers
    9. Use cases that serve cross platform interests, especially in the case of Flexera One
  4. How you will know we’ve reassessed our backlog of Ideas
    We will update reassessed Ideas with a comment to provide an indication the Idea has been assessed and any potential next steps.  Next steps could include:
    1. The Idea has been promoted to a future roadmap
    2. We are not yet ready to promote the Idea to our roadmap, but it is a priority for consideration soon
    3. We do not plan to implement the Idea despite demand for a specified reason
  5. Wanting an update on your Idea
    If, at any time, you have an Idea that is not being reassessed due to low voting demand, but is a priority for you, please add a comment to the Idea. This will alert our team via email notification and one of our Product team members will respond.
  6. Plans for Ideas with low voting demand
    If your Idea has been in our backlog for more than 9 months with minimal to no additional votes, we plan to demote these Ideas to ‘Unlikely to Implement’ status.  Please expect you will receive an email notification your Idea status has changed, but we will not be in a position to provide a personalized explanation for these Ideas.

    We have heard you want us to say no rather than leave Ideas open for extended periods without update.  Please note that even though Ideas are demoted, this does not mean they cannot still be voted on and that we won’t change our minds if significant demand warrants our attention. Remember, top 5-10% of Ideas based on demand will be reassessed quarterly irrespective of status.

Please note that whilst some Ideas may appear to have a high number of votes in the Ideas Portal, these could all be coming from several members of the one company.  There is no guarantee these Ideas will be reviewed as the voting data is normalized internally to obtain a true reflection of demand. Consideration may be given to partner votes as these could be for multiple customers and we may reach out to verify this.

We encourage you to use the Customer Community to discuss your Ideas with other members of the Community to increase voting demand. 

In addition, you may also see Ideas with minimal voting being planned for implementation.  It is highly likely this is because the Idea is aligned with something we already have plans to implement.

We hope this provides a little more insight into our plans for Ideas and sets expectations around when you would receive updates from us. 

As always, your feedback is important to us, and we will continue to evolve and continuously improve our processes around Ideas as we receive this feedback.

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Last update:
‎Jul 13, 2021 02:03 AM
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