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install monitoring Problem

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I'm sure this is a common Problem, but one I can't get my head around.

when using installation monitoring from the repackager wizard. (on a clean VMware machine, running repackager from a network drive)
The only thing it captures is the shortcut. no files or Reg Entries.

I have tried running the repackager wizard from the clean machine, but I am still getting the same result

this is using Admin studio V5.0 and the Vmware machine is XP sp1

any help will be greatly received:confused:
(3) Replies
I use Repackager (on a network location) extensively on both VMWare and "real" box freshly ghosted, and I have not not experienced the behavior described.

Perhaps, there is something about the package, or how the machine is set up (partitions and that kind of things).
In my experiance "Install Monitor" only monitors a single process install correctly.
I don't thing it is a bug with Install mointor just a couple of goofy setups. My exmaple is Setup.exe call a custom app that deterimes what version of mdac needs to be installed. then launches it in a seperate process. Be cause install monitor is only watching the first setup.exe the script doesn't always see the child process.

I agree with TsungH, Repackager is better and I do not have these problems any more.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
InstallMonitor has to essentially install itself in order to hook into the processes launched. If this fails, or if the process does not load user32.dll, then monitoring will fail. In theory, any process launched while monitoring should be captured (meaning if the setup launches another setup, or if you do).

If you only get shortcut information, this is usually because the monitor did not install or start up. Make sure the following entries are clean:
- In the registry under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows the value name AppInit_DLLs should not have the string INSTALLHOOK.DLL in the value.
- INSTALLHOOK.DLL should not exist in the windows folder.
- C:\InstallHook should not have any files in it
- Make sure the output folder (usually c:\packages) does not have any files in it.
- Create the folder C:\Debug.InstallHook
Repackage the setup again. When monitoring is taking place, the registry entry should contain INSTALLHOOK.DLL and the windows folder should have this file. If monitoring still fails, see if any files get created in C:\InstallHook and C:\Debug.InstallHook. Post copies of these files so we can look at them.

As mentioned earlier the issue could be specific to the package you are installing or the OS configuration. Does this happen with other operating systems or other setup packages?
