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dropping dlls to the Global Assembly Cache

Level 3
i want to drop some dlls to the Global Assembly Cache. i am using AdminStudio 8 and am wondering what is the best way\practice to do this so that the Msiassembly and MsiAssemblyName tables get populated correctly?

if i just create the gac directory structure with the GUI and then drop in the dlls does installshield populate this tables correctly or what?

i am hoping for a how to\best practice kind of thing here if possible in dealing with the GAC!
(2) Replies

Level 11
The best way to handle this would be to populate the MsiAssembly* tables, and set the component to a destination of [GlobalAssemblyCache].

Recreating the file structure will most likely not work. Plus, the fusion.dll shell extension intentionally makes this type of task difficult--Microsoft generally wants fusion to handle all interaction with the GAC.

Level 4
Open your Project in Editor & try the following:

1. Go to Files & Folders under Application Data and select the [GlobalAssemblyCache] folder from the Pre-defined folder list
2. Add your .Net Assembly under this folder
3. Behind the scenes, the appropirate component will be created with the attributes set
4. When you build your project, Editor will extract Assembly information and populate the respective MsiAssembly tables.

This is all you really need to do. If it does not work, then you may want to try looking at the following troubleshooting article: