We have tool that we've developed that interacts with Workflow Manager. We have a people picker that sends the choice to WFM that has now broke after the user had a name change. In the database, in the AMS_Person table, we can see 2 records for said user. The only distinct values are PersonID and DistingushedName. Is there a way to force WFM to "clean" up records? Would it be OK for me to delete the record that is out of date? Ultimately, we have a work around for assigning the user via WFM's people picker directly. We're just trying to fix the ability for our tool to associate the correct Person.
Aug 31, 2022 10:03 AM - edited Aug 31, 2022 11:18 AM
Hi @dcopher -
While Workflow Manager does support deleting (user) Accounts, it will only allow you to do so if that Account is not references in any previous workflow request, project, or template. Otherwise, it will break the reference and cause issues with reading and using those records in Workflow Manager.
You can instead disable the Account, which will prevent them from being assigned items within the Workflow Manager UI, among other things. More info on Disabling an Account found in the Product Documentation here.
I'm not sure how your custom tool operates, but I'd be weary of making change directly to the Workflow Manager database, as that would be outside the scope of Flexera's supported functionality.
Hope that helps to clarify.
Aug 31, 2022 01:19 PM
So, when a user's name changes, and the DN changes, but the UserAcount does not, how does the tool handle new app assignments vs old assignments? From what I can tell the tool is pointing to an account that cant resolve via AD lookup. (LDAP off of DN?)
I say this because when we look at older work assignments, the display name is "()"
Aug 31, 2022 01:56 PM
Hi @dcopher -
Best to reach out to our Support team to get more details on your specific question.
Sep 08, 2022 11:36 AM