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VMWare Repackaging Wizard not available


I am using AdminStudio 7 and VMWare 5 on XP Pro. In the Repackager app, Tools menu, VMWare Repackaging Wizard is greyed out.

Virtual Machines.vmls does exist (at C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Application Data\VMware) and does not appear corrupt. It hasn't been updated since July and no longer seems to be used by VMWare. I use VMware daily.

Any suggestions?

(7) Replies
The repackager looks at the following registry keys to determine if VMWare is installed:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\VMware, Inc.\VMware Workstation]


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\VMware, Inc.\VMware GSX Server]

If the repackager can not determine the path to vmware.exe using one of these keys it will display the VMWare option in a disabled state. Can you verify that these keys exist and that the InstallPath value is a valid path to vmware.exe?

David Thornley

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\VMware, Inc.\VMware Workstation] InstallPath is the correct path ("C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Workstation\") to the vmware folder.

I've done some more digging, some good news, some bad...
Good news: if I log in as an administrator and start the repackager, the VMWare Repackaging Wizard is now available...

Bad news: VMWare Repackaging Wizard is displaying information from the Virtual Machines.vmls file which does not appear to be used in VMWare Workstation 5. I think in VMW5 you need to interogate Favorites.vmls instead.

Thanks for your help David.

Thanks Arran,

That was very helpful information. I have created two Work Orders; one for the tool being disabled when logged on as user and one for recognizing favorites.vmls.

Many Thanks
David Thornley
I am using VMWare 5.5 and AdminStudio 6 and the VMWare Repackaging Wizard is disabled. My problem is identical to the one you were discussing, with the favorites.vmls versus the old virtual machines.vmls. What is the status of the work orders you submitted? Thanks for your help.

We are now on AdminStudio 7.5 and VMware 5.0.

The problem is still not fixed.

We are still running repackager from the host PC within the VM to get around this.


What exactly is this feature supposed to do? When I tested it, it just launch a VMWare image. Big deal... that saves me two clicks.
Does it do something else that I'm missing?
I'm using vmware workstation 4.5.3 - and the issue is that only one VM ever shows up in the list of available machines - it seems random as to which one it picks... am I doing something wrong here? 😞

jsimsay wrote:
I am using VMWare 5.5 and AdminStudio 6 and the VMWare Repackaging Wizard is disabled. My problem is identical to the one you were discussing, with the favorites.vmls versus the old virtual machines.vmls. What is the status of the work orders you submitted? Thanks for your help.