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Using the LogonUser variable in a Dialog Screen

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Apologies for this simple question but I haven't used Admin Studio very much and having looked at several posts cannot find a simple answer to my problem. We are trying to create an automated install for Palm Pilot software. During the installation a dialog pops up asking for the username of the application. We would like that to be the name of the currently logged on user. I believe that is saved in a variable called LogonUser so i went to Property manager and set the value of PALMUSERNAME to [LogonUser] . When the install runs it populates the correct field in the install but with [LogonUser] not a variable. I have tried {LogonUser},[LogonUser], %LogonUser% , [LOGONUSER] etc all to no avail. Does anyone know the correct syntax to use or am i barking up the wrong tree ?
(4) Replies
You can use a set a property custom action to set PALMUSERNAME to LogonUser. Have a look at the custom actions view for this.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Hi David
I have set the property value as LogonUser and added the custom action with a sequence number of 661 . The Dialog box displays LogonUser . I'm sure my syntax is incorrect. Do i not need {} or [] surrounding LogonUser or something similar ?
Your custom action should set PALMUSERNAME to [LogonUser].

(The long version: the issue is that the Value field of the Property table uses the Text data type, which doesn't expand [PROPNAME] expressions; the Target field of the CustomAction table uses the Formatted data type, which does expand [PROP] expressions.)
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
That works fine now . Thanks very much both for your speedy reply