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Undoing MST changes in Editor ?.


Is there a way of undoing changes made during MST creation ?.

For example, I've just deleted a component and I can see all the rows crossed out in the Tables, no problem. Now I want to undo that because I deleted the wrong component.

I can't see how this can be done ?.

I've just spent a number of hours creating this MST and now I've made a mistake and appears to be quite painful to roll back the last step.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance.

Robert 😞

[Using AS6 vp1]
(3) Replies
There is not an undo option.

You could always just close without saving but, obviously, you would lose all unsaved changes.

Or just add the component in again. You have the base MSI to refer to should be doable.
Hi David,

Thanks for the reply.

I do find it strange that just after deleting a component while creating an MST you are unable to quickly undo the change, after all the component is most likely inside the underlying MSI.

Anyway, I resolved my problem by opening 2 separate copies of my MSI (one with the MST applied) in ORCA, and the cutting and pasting the rows from the Component, FeatureComponent and File tables from the MSI Orca to the MSI & MST Orca - and Bobs your auntie, saved the MST, opened it back up in IS Editor and there is my component back.

Good old ORCA - My fave. I've used a variety of MSI generating tools in my time, but always in my toolbox is ORCA.

Many Thanks
Yeah, when I teach an AdminStudio class I never even open up and InstallShield tool until the end of the first morning. We always start of looking at things with Orca. Always handy.