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Template advice

I am new to the forum and need some help. I have several packages that are writing (appending) information to the windows (XP Pro) environment variable. The problem is that this information is regarding an ODBC driver and the info in removed on uninstall which kills the rest of the apps that use this driver. (this shop is oracle heavy). Does anyone know of a way to make my template automatically mark all environment variables as permanent? (90% of my variables are identical and therefore this would not dirty a system tyo much).

Thank you in advance for the help!
(4) Replies
Just set the "On Uninstall" option to "Leave".

If the application is UnInstalled the enviroment varible is left behind.
I am looking for a way to make that optiion the default as opposed to remove. Is that something I can do in a template? I cannot "pre-add" the path variables as they are not always required. But I would like them to be set to leave by default.

Thank you for the response.
I have never seen a way to define these kinds of things. I asked a simalar question on another board and got the "You should never leave anything behind after an UnInstall" speach. : (

We are a large Oracle shop as well so I feel your pain. Let me know if you get further than I did.
I don't know of a way to put make that default. Regarding the point about leaving data behind MS logo compliance states that it is up to the developer whether user data is left behind at uninstall time. ICE validation also suggest that everything getting written to the system folder gets made permanent. So while I can understand why someone might suggest always removing everything at uninstall time and why that is often a great idea it isn't always bad to leave something behind.