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Silent MSI package

Does anyone know how (or is it even possible) to create an MSI package that installs silently without having to use any switches?

(3) Replies
Sorry no don't believe this is possible, can you not just use the /qn switch ?
Are you wrapping the .msi in a setup.exe? If so, you can build the silent switches for the .msi into the setup.exe. You can do this by going to the releases view of your Editor and select your release. In its property grid, you will find an option for 'msi command line arguments' which you can populate with the /qn switch for a silent install.

If you only have the .msi, then you will need to remove all dialogs from the setup. You can do this by opening your .ism in Editor & going to the Sequences view of the Installation Designer. Here, remove the following four items from the Installation User Interface:


This will still give you the 'Preparing to Install..' dialog at the beginning of the setup for a second, but that is handled by Windows Installer & unavoidable through our Editor. All other UI should be removed however.

Hope this helps.

Mark Doeseckle
Software Quality Engineer
InstallShield Products, Macrovision Corp.
Yes, add the property LIMITUI to the property table. This will force a silent install.