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SMS Edition, Server Verification Failed

I have just installed AdminStudio, SMS Edition. When I start the app, it tries to verify my SMS Server details. The information I put in is correct and has sufficient privelidges, but the verification fails. What could be causing this?
(3) Replies
Is your SMS Admin Console working? Is it SP1 or SP2? Is your credentials added in the SMS authorization list?

Try launching and accessing the site off AdminStudio SMS Edition first (from the SMS Admin Console). Do you have access to the Site? Primary/Secondary Server? Package Storage Location?
Thanks for your reply. On this particular PC, the SMS Admin console is not installed. I will try to install it and see if this fixes the problem. Note that the user account I am using for the server verification is a domain admin account and it does have full access to all areas of the SMS Admin console.
Thanks very much for the advice! I couldn't get the SMS Admin Console to install on this PC, so in the end I rebuilt my PC. Now I have the SMS Admin Console installed and working correctly and so the AdminStudio SMS Server Verification worked.

Thanks very much!