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Repackaging Sophos Sweep

Has anyone successfully packaged Sophos Sweep v3.67?

When using Installation monitor when I try to convert the INC file, I get the error :-

Thursday, March 20, 2003 09:19AM
Converting: Z:\Repackaging Storage\Under Development\Sweep\Sophos to: Z:\Repackaging Storage\Under Development\Sweep\Sophos Anti-Virus-2.ism
Starting conversion
Creating project file
Reading repackager output file
Loading registry entries
Creating components for the files captured
*** Error: COM Error #0x800403ed


When I use Snap shot (single) then it does actually package up ok, but when you run the MSI afterwards you get :-

A problem occurred while trying to contact the Sophos Anti-Virus service -- exiting.

Error number: 1060

Failed to open the service to interrogate its running state.
The Sophos Anti-Virus service is not installed or has been marked for deletion.
Please re-install Sophos Anti-Virus

The services it needs haven't actually been included in the snapshot by the looks of it, hence it doesn't work. I presume this is why I need to use installation monitor but I can seem to get anywhere with that.

Any help is appreciated.

(4) Replies
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I have to ask why you would want to package Sophos? it is installable from a management console that comes on the CD which can install the program onto all your pcs and also manage the updates each month.

Much easier than trying to make a new program each month.

thanks for the reply :-

80% of the 3000 machines we have are laptop users, who may or may not connect to our LAN, they may just dial up to our RAS server or they may never connect at all...

unfortuantely we need a solution to keep these people upto date, and the only one we currently have is to send out CD's to a lot of them.

The users cannot be trusted to install the packages themselves, so silent installs (MSI's) are used.

We also have secuirty on the machines which will not allow users to install anything but MSI's we have written.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Have yu spoken to Sophos about this as they do allow for silent updates. The machines check for updates against the install server periodically so when you push the update out they would get it the next time they log onto the network.

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Have yu spoken to Sophos about this as they do allow for silent updates. The machines check for updates against the install server periodically so when you push the update out they would get it the next time they log onto the network.
