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Repackaging - Combine 2 captures in to one MSI


I have 2 captures that should be repackaged in to one MSI (a basic features install and a full featured install). What is the recommended way of merging thee 2 captures.

The help files refer to a merge wizard but I cannot find how to access it.

I am running FlexNet AdminStudio 7 on XP.

Thanks in advance
(4) Replies
In your AdminStudio Start page, Tools menu, choose ConflictSolver (Application Manager).
Open Catalog menu and choose Merge. You should be able to follow the rest of the steps pretty easily.

Disclaimer: I am using AdminStudio 6, but I think it's the same.....

That appears to merge an application from one application database in to another, so not what I am trying to do. (MSI A + MSI B = MSI C with features A + B)

I'll dig a bit further though.

The Merge wizard will Merge instances of an Application Catalog, not MSI packages. What you might want to consider is a multi-step capture process using the repackager. You can install as many applications as you like and the result wil lbe a single MSI package. However, once an MSI package is created it can not be "merged" with another msi package using the AdminStudio tools.
Thanks David,

Is there any way to get the 2 setups captured by repackager into different features?

At the moment I am doing two captures and using the smaller as a template of what should be moved to a second feature in the larger. So I was hoping for something quicker.

