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Registry for default user

I'd like to put registry keys for each new user in the system (windows XP).
The way I tried is to load, update and unload the ntuser.dat of the default user (C:\d&s\default user) and made a script to accomplish that task. The script work perfectly when I launch It myself, but when I insert it in my package I have'nt the privilege to make these changes. Do you now a way to make it easy ?
(5) Replies
Hi carottette

Have you tried making the keys inside the MSI in

It is the first thing I tried and it doesn't work.

Have you already try it ? because I was sure it is the way to do it...
Windows Installer adds key to the HKCU hive using self-repair. Every time a new users start the application (using an advertised shortcut), windows installer will start and create the keys.


I know for self-repair, that's what I've done, but my client doesn't want to see a repair window... I know that it is not the good way to do it but I'm oblige to do it differently, and I don't find the good method...
Found a splution to this ?

I have a client who only uses Terminal server, I have used the suggestion forwarded by Peerke with success, but in a terminal server enviornment the vendor van not have the application installset start up over and over and over again as new users log on.

Any clue would be greatly appreciated.