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Property substition problem with the SystemFolder when importing

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I have repackaged a few applications and have noticed that AdminStudio does not seem to properly use the [SystemFolder] property. Instead it uses the following: {SYSTEM32} [WindowsFolder]System32

It appears to make a SYSTEM32 entry in the directory table and assign it a DirectoryParent of WindowsFolder and DefaultDir of System32, instead of using the SystemFolder directory entry.

(3) Replies
hello Tony, we have fixed this issue and it will be available in the final 3.0 release.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I was given release 3.00.056 from Jeff Greenwald on Wednesday. I don't know if that is the final version, but it is still having the same problem. I re-imported my Quicktime capture into this new version and it created a {SYSTEM32} entry in the directory table.

See the attached bitmap.


We have made enhancements in the repackager to use the MSI folders properly.

Hence if you repackage again to create a new INC file, you will notice that we will use SystemFolder correctly.

If you are still having problems, please let me know.