Feb 08, 2013 09:28 AM
ThomasB wrote:
This company has referenced a forum article (old 2010) about the risk to changing the [Product Name]
Site: http://www.itninja.com/question/productname-change-with-a-transform
• Some vendor MSI’s use product name in setdirectory custom action, which may result in changing the installation location, which in turn may affect functionality.
• Applications requiring any server or hardware connectivity can be impacted by changing the Product Name.
• Applications dependencies may not be recognized as valid if the Product Name is changed.
• Patches may not get installed
• Can cause the issue with the upgrading of the previous versions
Question: Is anyone aware of any risk to changing the "Product Name" property in an MST file?
Thank you in advance for anything you can offer!
Thomas B
Feb 12, 2013 11:52 AM