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I have a problem with ConflictSolver. I open a new database file and start the Import Wizard. I choose the MSI file I want to import, but can't choose "Run Confilct" (It's grey) only Run validation. I run the validation part, and everything looks OK in the Import books .

But after the validation has run, I don't see the product in the conflict database. I have tried several products, and other databases but nothing get into the databases. I have been into the Tools-Option menu, and checked the books for "Check Conflict".

I can't see how I can get the product into the database.
Have anyone an idea what can solve this problem?
(1) Reply
One possible suggestion is to connect to the AdminStudio catalog database with a super user account such as security admin. This way you could rule out permissions on the database as the reason for not being able to import packages into the catalog.
