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Poweshell import script

I’m trying to modify the import poweshell script, but need more information on the Envronment Settings/Values? I listed those below on which I need guidance.
Also, are there commandlets or a powershell script that will convert an application to Intune? Thanks

# Environment Settings/Values

Do all entries in this setting need to be entered or just the provider?
What is the provider? Is it the app catalog?
$ConnectionString = # EG:'PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=; Initial Catalog=' + $global:CatalogName + ';user ID=;password='

Is this the service account or actual user running the script?
$SCCMUser = # Eg: 'testdomain\admin'
$SCCMPass = # Eg:'Hello'

Is the convert.aacx a file that I need to create or is it provided?
$sAACProjectFile = # Eg:"C:\AppVConversions\Convert.aacx"

What does the DistributionName represent?
$DistributionName = # Eg: 'ConfigMgr 2016'

How do I determine the PluginID?
$PluginID = 13

Can you explain the ShareUser/SharePwd?
$ShareUser = # Eg:'testdomain\admin'
$SharePwd = # Eg:'Hello'
(3) Replies

Those look to be from a custom Powershell. Is that correct?
This documentation may help:

I'm uncertain of how the variables are being used in your script, but here's what may be answers to you question.

Yes. The other parameters are needed in your connection string. The Provider is basically the driver.

SCCMUser is likely an SCCM Service account used to connect to SCCM.

convert.aacx may be a file your organization has already created.
But usually, you'll have to create an aacx file from the Automated Application convertor to do some automation.

DistributionName likely maps to ConnectionName as documented here:

PluginId is likely a reference to below:

ShareUser is likely account used to access to the network shared location.

Hope that helps.

ayung_2832 Thank you for your response. I am reviewing and will let you know how it goes. Cheers!

Thank you for the extensive response. I am slowly working to utilize your suggestions. Cheers!