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Please help- how do i delete files before installing MSI?

I need some help...... We just began using AdminStudio SMS Edition v6, and I created a package that only copies files to one folder. The problem is that about 12 of these files on the target machines are the same name and newer as the ones being copied down, therefore they are not touched.

Since the files on the target machines are not versioned, i put versions in all the files in the MSI, and now those files copy to some machines but not others. I need to a way to delete the contents of a folder before the MSI runs, so that I can be sure that all machines are updated with the correct files without having to go and check each one. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
(1) Reply
If you are looking for a way to delete these files before MSI runs, I suppose you will have to use a script or an executable, which will be run prior to MSI.

An alternative taking advantage of MSI is to use RemoveFile table. I have never used AdminStudio SMS Edition. If Direct Editor is not exposed, you can always use Orca from MS.