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Packaging workstation setup from network location

Hi all, I have an app that is located on a network share and hosted from there. There is a legacy setup for the workstations to install DLL's, registry information, text-to-speech etc.

The packaging process worked out I think. When I deploy this package through Active Directory (computer installation) it will not install and logs an event saying Error 1327 - Invalid Drive P:\

The original setup was run from a mapped drive P:\Apps\Application and also relies on this path to run. However, when deploying to workstations when installation runs on boot, there is no mapping for P:\ until a user logs in.

I am a newbie and modifying .MSI's is new to me. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I have edited the package to remove the P: reference but that just makes things worse.

Thanks in advance.
(1) Reply
There are entries in the directory table that references the P drive that is probably set as DIRPROPERTY1 in the property table. The installation checks for the existence of P drive based on the folders mentioned in the directory table and the error is provided when the root directory isn't found during install.

You can remove these references to P drive from the directory and the property table provided the shortcuts do not require a working directory on the P drive.