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New to Install Shield... Having some probs

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I hate to already be jumping on here the first day I own the software, but im already struggling a little bit...
If someone could point me to basic documentations on transforms etc, that would be great...
Also I read a post about the autorun browser feature, I only own Admin Studio, is this possible?>??

My biggest problems so far have been Adobe Acrobat 6.0 and Office XP..
Ive done a lotus notes package, adobe 5 (to remove it within AD policy) and they worked fine..

I get a build failure on officexp and adobe acrobat 6.0.

Clean machine with only xp, latest service packs, nothing more...

Any tips in general on using the product would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance
love the product.


P.S. after trying to use my antivirus and lotus notes MSIs to install, they both appeared to work, but AV is acting wierd, and the notes executable wont work...
So basically not one single MSI ive tried to create with snapshot has worked... nice waste of a day :0 haha
(14) Replies

Welcome to the InstallShield AdminStudio forum, we're glad you're enjoying using AdminStudio!

Regarding the autorun feature, check out this link:

it should get you started.

As to the build problems, you'll need to post more information about the exact nature of the build problems. There should be error numbers or some sort of descriptive message describing the problem that we'd need in order to narrow down the issue.

With regards to transforms, the Tuner documentation is probably the best place to start, also the DevStudio/Developer online help would be of some use. When I doubt, I just use the search engine in WinHelp. Using the Search feature in our online community is useful as well, that was how I found the information about the autorun feature, just hit the Search button at the top of the InstallShield Community pages

I hope this helps.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
looking back thru an adobe acrobat 6.0 build errors im getting are

3 of the 1024s it looks like and one of the 3204...

thanks for your quick response.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
tried a fresh image again, and same thing... basically not one single msi ive made works... its incredibly frustrating

edit : finally made a successful MSI... it was just of real one player... snapshot basically.. its how ive tried every other one, but this one finally worked... others still a no go...

youd think it would be much easier to use than it is... im not so pleased
We have all been there, we are willing to help you so you don't suffer as many of us did. 😉

It just the description of your particulars are just a bit fuzzy. For example are you talking about Acrobat Writer or the Reader?
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
the thread i posted earlier about acrobat was full blown, with writer....but does it really matter a ton since NONE of my gillion MSI files have worked?
I cant think that the program can be this hard to use, where simple snapshots arent even working for me... But the PC is totally fresh XP machine, updated service packs, all that, NO other apps loaded...

BUt to answer your question, adobe 6.0 reader + writer

Thank you for the additional information, however, I need a bit more info to be able to make any suggestions. Otherwise, I can really only suggest that you check the online help or that you query on those error numbers using the Search feature on this forum. I did some poking around, and those errors indicate that your either missing a file, or that you've made a reference to an object that doesn't exist in your project.

Anyway, if you could cut and paste the entire error message up here, that would be helpful. Thank you for your assistance.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\AdminStudio Shared\adobe\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]AC76BA86-1033-0000-7760-000000000001[\}]PortableDocumentFormat.ico" for Icon Icon_PortableDocumentFormat.ico does not exist.

ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\AdminStudio Shared\adobe\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]AC76BA86-1033-0000-7760-000000000001[\}]FormsDocument.ico" for Icon Icon_FormsDocument.ico does not exist.

ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\AdminStudio Shared\adobe\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]AC76BA86-1033-0000-7760-000000000001[\}]XDPFileType.ico" for Icon
Icon_XDPFileType.ico does not exist.

ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\AdminStudio Shared\adobe\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]AC76BA86-1033-0000-7760-000000000001[\}]XFDFileType.ico" for Icon Icon_XFDFileType.ico does not exist.

ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\AdminStudio Shared\adobe\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]AC76BA86-1033-0000-7760-000000000001[\}]XMLFormsDocument.ico" for Icon Icon_XMLFormsDocument.ico does not exist.

ISDEV : error -3204: Cannot extract icon with index -2 from file C:\AdminStudio Shared\adobe\ProgramFilesFolder\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\PPKLite.api for icon Icon_PPKLite.api

some warnings

ISDEV : warning -6014: The shortcut "AdobeAcrobat6.0Professional" for component "acrobat.exe_COM" is invalid because it does not reference an icon resource. Specify an icon file and icon index for this shortcut to resolve this issue.

ISDEV : warning -6014: The shortcut "DownloadDriver" for component "consoleapp.exe" is invalid because it does not reference an icon resource. Specify an icon file and icon index for this shortcut to resolve this issue.

ISDEV : warning -6014: The shortcut "AcrobatAssistant" for component "acrotray.exe" is invalid because it does not reference an icon resource. Specify an icon file and icon index for this shortcut to resolve this issue.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
All of the following errors were reported doing a simple office xp snapshot...
cant get poop to work 🙂

ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\Documents and Settings\installuser\Desktop\InstallPackages\office\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]90120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9[\}]xlicons.exe" for Icon Icon_xlicons7.exe does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\Documents and Settings\installuser\Desktop\InstallPackages\office\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]90120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9[\}]xlicons.exe" for Icon Icon_xlicons3.exe does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\Documents and Settings\installuser\Desktop\InstallPackages\office\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]90120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9[\}]wordicon.exe" for Icon Icon_wordicon1.exe does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\Documents and Settings\installuser\Desktop\InstallPackages\office\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]90120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9[\}]pptico.exe" for Icon Icon_pptico1.exe does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\Documents and Settings\installuser\Desktop\InstallPackages\office\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]90120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9[\}]xlicons.exe" for Icon Icon_xlicons2.exe does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\Documents and Settings\installuser\Desktop\InstallPackages\office\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]90120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9[\}]xlicons.exe" for Icon Icon_xlicons4.exe does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\Documents and Settings\installuser\Desktop\InstallPackages\office\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]90120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9[\}]wordicon.exe" for Icon Icon_wordicon2.exe does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\Documents and Settings\installuser\Desktop\InstallPackages\office\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]90120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9[\}]pptico.exe" for Icon Icon_pptico3.exe does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\Documents and Settings\installuser\Desktop\InstallPackages\office\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]90120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9[\}]pptico.exe" for Icon Icon_pptico.exe does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\Documents and Settings\installuser\Desktop\InstallPackages\office\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]90120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9[\}]pptico.exe" for Icon Icon_pptico2.exe does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\Documents and Settings\installuser\Desktop\InstallPackages\office\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]90120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9[\}]pptico.exe" for Icon Icon_pptico4.exe does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\Documents and Settings\installuser\Desktop\InstallPackages\office\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]90120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9[\}]wordicon.exe" for Icon Icon_wordicon1.exe does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\Documents and Settings\installuser\Desktop\InstallPackages\office\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]90120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9[\}]xlicons.exe" for Icon Icon_xlicons4.exe does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\Documents and Settings\installuser\Desktop\InstallPackages\office\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]90120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9[\}]wordicon.exe" for Icon Icon_wordicon.exe does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\Documents and Settings\installuser\Desktop\InstallPackages\office\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]90120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9[\}]wordicon.exe" for Icon Icon_wordicon3.exe does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\Documents and Settings\installuser\Desktop\InstallPackages\office\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]90120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9[\}]xlicons.exe" for Icon Icon_xlicons.exe does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\Documents and Settings\installuser\Desktop\InstallPackages\office\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]90120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9[\}]xlicons.exe" for Icon Icon_xlicons5.exe does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\Documents and Settings\installuser\Desktop\InstallPackages\office\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]90120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9[\}]xlicons.exe" for Icon Icon_xlicons1.exe does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\Documents and Settings\installuser\Desktop\InstallPackages\office\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]90120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9[\}]xlicons.exe" for Icon Icon_xlicons11.exe does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\Documents and Settings\installuser\Desktop\InstallPackages\office\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]90120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9[\}]xlicons.exe" for Icon Icon_xlicons6.exe does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\Documents and Settings\installuser\Desktop\InstallPackages\office\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]90120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9[\}]xlicons.exe" for Icon Icon_xlicons8.exe does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\Documents and Settings\installuser\Desktop\InstallPackages\office\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]90120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9[\}]xlicons.exe" for Icon Icon_xlicons9.exe does not exist.
ISDEV : error -1024: The source file "C:\Documents and Settings\installuser\Desktop\InstallPackages\office\WindowsFolder\Installer\[\{]90120409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0050048383C9[\}]xlicons.exe" for Icon Icon_xlicons10.exe does not exist.
Just a note, Office XP is already in MSI. It is against recommendation to repackage one MSI into another MSI. Instead, a transform should be created. You can use Developer or DevStudio, depending on the version of AdminStudio you have, as well as Tuner to create a transform.
With regards to the 1024 error, please refer to Q107108 in the InstallShield Knowledge Base. For the 3204 error, I think you'll want to check that API file in Developer/DevStudio and see if there's an icon assigned to the file. There are several threads I found by using the Search feature from this site and simply searching on "error 3204", the threads it found suggest some ways of fixing the problem.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
well i researched the 3024 some, read over some threads, tried a few things.. still getting the error

the q107108 was good reading til i found out i had to have quality monitor which is only with professional, which i dont have...

the errors are obviousely icon related, im just so new to this product, and unfortunately support a huge citrix farm + AD all over so I have no time to sit and mess around with it til i find what im looking for...

im sorry to appear to be asking for a handout, but more or less i am... what do i need to do with icon files? etc to make this work...
sorry guys, im lost.
You would be better suited to figuring out why all of this is happening but perhaps you can do this at a later time. Deadlines are deadlines.

Under your component view drill down untill you find the entries (acrobat.exe_COM) Somewhere under advanced settings you will see an entry for the Icon. Just redo the entry, ie Select a new Icon File and pick an icon. Normally you will not see these and I have never found an instance that it makes a functional difference.

Hope it helps.

TsungH is right on this one. Citrix can be tough enough go with the default script and use Tuner to make a transform. We have a small citrix farm here and it worked just fine. Your call, just my 2 cents.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
ok thanks.. I feel like im at least getting somewhere, although ive scoured the advanced, settings under acrobat.exe_com and dont see icon stuff... so im assuming as you stated, its just not there... glad my boss declined to pay for any type of support... hes a genius.

I didnt mean to imply I use install shield with citrix (because my IS doesnt work haha), but i manage a citrix farm so its hard to get free time to play with IS...

Support??? :confused:

A cheap wrist brace is all the support us script-monkies ever get, you thought your boss was going to treat you any better??? 😛

Good luck!