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Installscript/Basic MSI How To Tell Difference ?

I have a vendor supplied setup. When running it I have managed to extract the msi file. The msi file uses the Installscript 8 engine as this is also packaged in the setup.
My question is, how do I tell if this is an Installscript MSI or a Basic MSI (using some Installscript CA's) ?
There are a lot of strange looking Properties which lead me to believe it is an Installscript msi but was wondering if there is anything definitive that I can look for ?
Also, am I right in saying that this Installscript msi (assuming it is) must always be run from a setup.exe and cannot be run directly from the command line on its own ?
(2) Replies
As far as deploying an InstallScript MSI project without setup.exe goes, please see this help page:

And as for repackaging/converting InstallScript MSI to Basic MSI, please see
Thanks for that Robert. Tried Snapshotting/Monitoring but it strangely doesn't get recognized as an Installscript install. Will try Transforming it using the method you pointed me to.