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Taking a snapshot and NT Services


I am attempting to repackage the IIS and SMTP Windows Components from the Windows XP with Service Pack 1 CD-ROM. The snapshot process is ok and I am able to edit my install shield project fine, but for some reason when I install the finished MSI file the IIS, SMTP and W3SVC services fail to start. I also get access denied errors during install saying the install couldn't write keys to HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum and HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control. I have gone back and added Registry Permissions (Full Control to the Everyone group) but still am not having any success.

Is there any special tricks when repackaging NT Services? Also is there any doco about this I can read?

Thanks for your help.
(3) Replies
Have you selected the "Map NT services" under the advanced tab option in the IRP file.

Otherwise i would dingy all the service stuff out of the project and then try and set them up in the ISM from scratch with the component wizard.
Hi David,

Yes I made sure to select 'Map NT Service events' from the Advanced tab.

I will try creating them from scratch using the new component wizard, what would I need to prune out of the ISM project (files, reg keys) to make sure nothing left behind might conflict?

You should take a look at the MS info on the Service Control Manager Database (

This indicates getting rid of stuff under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services. Depending on what else is in the app you might try excluding the whole HKLM\System (as well as the service executable), adding the services manually with the component wizard then testing the services.