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When I fixed some ice33 errors I got some strange value data in the registry.
command = N(-jI0{yY8kpGOg98jIY>)FCjK*O)G9imi$xJyEm) "%1"

Anyone know what it is? Is it used for anything?
(5) Replies
You have repackaged an MSI

Naughty boy

Start again using response transforms

but I haven't repackaged an MSI. I created a project (for testing) with just one component installing the reg keys through the progid table with the same result. 😞
That registry entry is from an MSI

It is called a darwin descriptor

It is used for self-repair

You shouldn't have any of these in your package as they are written automatically my windows installer.

It can only have been put down by an MSI

You also get these in
HKCR\CLSID\{class guid}\InprocServer32

and if you put an advertised shortcut into notepad you'll see it there too

Thanks for the information 🙂