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How do I stop the MSI running for each user?

Hi all,

I'm trying to re-package some apps for use with the new SMS system we've just installed and am having trouble getting them to work correctly (probably due to the complete lack of training in Adminstudio). After installing the program with my new MSI, I have all the shortcuts etc and everything looks good. On running the program however, the MSI re-runs and registers a bunch of files. I would have thought that should have all been done when the program was installed and as most users run as 'Users', this install fails. Now, if you just ignore all the error messages, the program runs quite happily, and using regmon, I can see that what it's trying to write into the registry is already there anyway.

Some of the threads in here have mentioned setting the ALLUSERS property to 2, but that hasn't helped. Can anyone please give me some pointers as to how I go about getting around this problem.

(2) Replies
Check the event log for entries like:

Detection of product 'MyProduct', feature 'MyFeature' failed during
request for component 'MyComponent'
Detection of product 'MyProduct', feature 'MyFeature', component
'MyComponent' failed

that should tell you which component is causing the problem.
Thanks for the reply. I discovered a couple of days after posting that the install I was trying to turn into an MSI actually already contained an MSI, so I just set it up to use that one. That seems to have fixed the problem, but I'll keep your advice in mind for future conversions as we still have a number of programs to go.