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How do I get around a reboot


In our lab we have a program called DeepFreeze. This program freezes the computer so if anyone intalls software or makes any changes when the computer reboots it brings it back to its original state. I am trying to package C++ Builder 6 and create a Zen object so it can be installed on demand. The problem is that C++ requires a reboot and if its not rebooted I can't compile. I have tried repackaging with Admin Studio using C++'s existing install.exe, setup.exe, and msi to no avail. It breaks the package. I currently use a batch file that calls on the existing msi and installs it silent but still requires a reboot. Has anyone here ran into an issue like this or something similar that can help out? Really any help would be greatly appreciated.

(1) Reply
Never mind:) I figured it out. When all else fails read the documentation. The path needed to be updated in order to skip a reboot.
