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How can I merge two MSI's ?

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I have created two MSI's, one of them is a converted Novell snapshot from an AXT, let's call it MSI1. The other is a Adminstudio snapshot of a batch file that populates ODBC data sources, we'll call it MSI2. I would like to use MSI2 to populate data sources that are left out by MSI1, is there a way to merge the two MSI's together as one? or to create transform based on MSI2, so I could apply it to MSI1?
(3) Replies
When you right-click on a component you have the option to export it to another project

I don't know of any products that merge two msi files. If anyone does please share.

In developer if you go to tools there is an option create/apply transform. There is the option to create a transfom based on the differences between two msi packages. Perhaps you could snapshot a base msi, then make your changes, then snapshot the new odbc configuration on top and finally use this tool to create a tranform of the differences.
I haven't used it myself, but the Windows Installer SDK has a tool called Msimerg.exe that claims to do this...