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Help a new guy out, please.

I'm relatively new to being a network admin. My specialty is really hardware, but I'm doing my best to learn software as well.

Part of that is admin studio. My boss gave me admin studio 6 and asked me to make a .msi file for remote windows installation. Cyberlink PowerDVD, actually.

I've been trying to learn. I opened up the packager, selected the setup.exe file from the CD, and packaged it. I used the repackager to make a .msi file from what I made.

However, it didn't capture captured the install file for Installshield, which isn't what I want. Hopefully this problem sounds familiar to you all, I'm sure this isn't ~very~ obscure. Thanks for any help.
(3) Replies
Alright, I got past that issue.

Now I've got three .msi files I'd like to combine. Anyone? I assume I have to use the editor.
i presume you have three because two of them are prerequisite files to powerdvd. Decide on your main installation to use, open it in editor. Select custom action view. Right click custom actions in pane to the right of that and select custom action wizard. Type a name for this action anything you like but keep it short without spaces etc, press next and select the run another msi type. Choose whether or not you want them packed into your main msi or whether you want it seperately alongside your msi and launched from your main one automatically and then follow the rest of the instructions.

Good luck in learning windows installer it can be very interesting
I've learned quite a bit about admin studio between my first post and this one. Thanks for your help; it's an interesting product.