‎Nov 28, 2006 04:49 AM
dsrcteam wrote:
We get the below 2(ICE30) Error's when we add the Merge Module Mscomct2.msm and validate it thro Build->Validate->Full MSI Validation Suite.
How can we resolve this?
ICE30 Error The target file 'GLOBAL~1.320|mscomct2.ocx' is installed in '[SystemFolder]\' by two different components on an SFN system: 'Global_Controls_MSCOMCT2OCX.3207D1B6_80E5_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24' and 'Global_Controls_COMCATDLL.3207D1B0_80E5_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This breaks component reference counting. File File Global_Controls_COMCATDLL_f0.3207D1B0_80E5_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24
ICE30 Error The target file 'GLOBAL~1.320|mscomct2.ocx' is installed in '[SystemFolder]\' by two different components on an SFN system: 'Global_Controls_MSCOMCT2OCX.3207D1B6_80E5_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24' and 'Global_Controls_COMCATDLL.3207D1B0_80E5_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24'. This breaks component reference counting. File File Global_Controls_MSCOMCT2OCX_f0.3207D1B6_80E5_11D2_B95D_006097C4DE24
‎Nov 30, 2006 01:14 AM