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Error 1334 on SketchUp7.1Pro

I am repackaging Google sketchUp Pro 7.1 with a network liccense (on a share). Everything looks nice, but at installation-time I get a roll-back
on the file HELPURLS.XML with the error 1334 (sort of missing file)
We are working with Admin Studio 9.5

Can anybody help?

The log of the MSI states following:

MSI (s) : Executing op: FileCopy(SourceName=helpurls.xml,SourceCabKey=helpurls.xml,DestName=helpurls.xml,Attributes=16384,FileSize=738,PerTick=32768,,VerifyMedia=1,,,,,CheckCRC=0,,,InstallMode=58982400,HashOptions=0,HashPart1=-283794500,HashPart2=191140736,HashPart3=1433773027,HashPart4=308518256,,)
MSI (s) : File: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Google\Google SketchUp 7\LayOut\helpurls.xml; To be installed; Won't patch; No existing file
MSI (s) : Source for file 'helpurls.xml' is compressed
InstallFiles: File: helpurls.xml, Directory: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Google\Google SketchUp 7\LayOut\, Size: 738
MSI (s) : Note: 1: 2318 2: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Google\Google SketchUp 7\LayOut\helpurls.xml
MSI (s) : Note: 1: 1334 2: helpurls.xml 3:
Error 1334.The file 'helpurls.xml' cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in cabinet file ''. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package.
MSI (s) : Product: Google SketchUp -- Error 1334.The file 'helpurls.xml' cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in cabinet file ''. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package.

Action ended 17:00:13: InstallFinalize. Return value 3.
(2) Replies
Hi There,

I've run into this in a few cases, and typically have had to resort to changing the build to get around it. What I think you'll find is:

--If you decompress the *.cab file (if building separate cab files, or extracting via msix.exe or msidb.exe), the file is indeed there.
--The file has a valid file sequence number that doesn't occur out of order.
--The MSI validates just fine.
--No build warnings or errors occur.

If this proves to be the case like last time I encountered it, I found it practically impossible to debug, and just switched to doing an uncompressed build just for that 1 package.

Also, you might post the install logfile that contains the error 1334. If this is inadvertently running as an upgrade or something similarly strange it might actually be not that bad to fix.
Yes, You were right, making the distribution uncompressed solved the problem.

Sadly I do not have the time to jump in to a fully troubleshooting. We are happy with this.

Thanks a lot.