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Customize the ISS file

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Is there any way to pass certain Public Properties to the Installer via the ISS file?

Thank you!

(4) Replies
Can you please let us know what kind of setup you are using?

Is it a Windows Installer Setup or a traditional InstallShield setup or Windows Installer setup with InstallScript?
The ISS file that you are referring to is a file generated by a record of an installation. This file contains information about the dialogs that are run during the installation. This file however will not take MSI properties. If you want to pass MSI properties then you can do so by running the command line setup.exe /s /v"MSI Property".
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Paul M., thank you for your response!
Is there any technical reason why certain developers would choose to create a wrapper EXE instead a pure MSI for installation?
It makes our life a lot harder, and I believe Install Shield, as supplier of its tools has part of the fault.

Lok at Wise, only MSI could be generated using PackageStudio, no wrapper EXE.

Thank you!

Paul T.
The setup.exe is created for boot strapping reasons. This setup.exe will allow the installation to guarantee that it can run. It will do this by installing the necessary components before the installation is run. A way around this is the run the setup.exe with the command line /a. If this is an installshield setup the /a will run an admin install and uncompress the files. Also the setup.exe is used with an installscript based installation to make sure that the engine is installed and working.