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Creating Dialogs a few questions


I am just starting to look at creating my own dialogs in Editor X

I used the wizard and added and "interior" dialog and placed after the licence agreement dialog. I see how to edit the three lines of text at the top i.e. the text in the blue bar and the two peaces of text in the white space below, I also see how i can move the default buttons around by draging them

What I do not see if how to add any text of a bitmap to the large grey area in the middle of the dialog or how to add more buttons etc

Can some one give me a few tips please ?

Is there a good document that does through the whole issues of dialogs as the on-line help is very scretchy

Thanks very much everyone
(3) Replies
There is a control pallette toolbar that lets you drag new controls onto the dialog. Once they are dragged they can be renamed and their properties set.
Thanks very much mate got it, I will play around with this for a while then I will try out a few behaviours

Thanks again for your helo most appreaciated

I see how to add test styles using the direct editor and inputting a number for the text colour. It is dificult to work out the number for the test colour is there a chart or a utility that can help you visually which choosing the correct number for the text colour

Thanks very much