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Convert .msi to .sms to distribute

Hello, I am a begginer with AdminStudio 7.5 and I am trying to generate a .sms package to distribute over an SMS server. I have been able to create the .irp file and then the .msi.

I have tried to distribute the .msi directly with no luck since when I create the package in SMS no "Install" program is recognized, I had to create it manually and I think that was the problem.

If I am abe to create an .sms, it will bring the programs (install, unistall, etc) automatically, isn't?

Can someone give me a hand? 😞

(4) Replies
when you compile your MSI, use the Release Wizard. there's an option in there for creating the package def file.
I've used SMS2003 and I guess I just never saw much point in the .PDF files. I create my package, add my files, select my DP's, setup my programs and associate my MSI so SMS can be made aware of the ProductCode for maintaining source resilency and off I go.
Christopher Painter wrote:
I've used SMS2003 and I guess I just never saw much point in the .PDF files. I create my package, add my files, select my DP's, setup my programs and associate my MSI so SMS can be made aware of the ProductCode for maintaining source resilency and off I go.

I'm new to SMS. I tried to deploy an InstallShield 8 project using "setup.exe /s" in the command line and keeps getting:

Please go to the Control Panel to install and configure system components.

Can you tell me what command you're using to run setup? Thanks.
Christopher Painter wrote:
I've used SMS2003 and I guess I just never saw much point in the .PDF files. I create my package, add my files, select my DP's, setup my programs and associate my MSI so SMS can be made aware of the ProductCode for maintaining source resilency and off I go.

They save a lot of time as you dont need to create a package and it attributes, create a programs and their attributes.. they also help ensure sms packages are deployed the same in different environments before release to live.. they cant do the source location which is a shame 😞

I am working on a tool that goes a step further to take all the manual work out of creating a package, program, advertisement in SMS 2003 and another for validation, import into SMS 2003 or Configuration Manager 2007

nguyennpham wrote:
I'm new to SMS. I tried to deploy an InstallShield 8 project using "setup.exe /s" in the command line and keeps getting:

Please go to the Control Panel to install and configure system components.

Can you tell me what command you're using to run setup? Thanks.

You should be able to use the same command you used to install it from the command line.. also make sure any dependencies the application has are installed.

Some good sms video's here