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Confusing 'registering .cll' problem

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I'm something of a novice to this repackaging business, and while I've been able to cope with most of the errors and problems I've encountered so far, I've hit something that has really stumped me.

I've a fairly complex engineering application that I'm repackaging - and the repackaging itself goes without any problems (well, one slight problem with a directory called C++ - but that was easily fixed) - the resultant package passes full validation too (albeit with hundreds of warnings).

*However* - when I attempt to install the application, near the end - during the 'Registereding Type Libraries' part - Installer throws up the following error (culled from the event log) -

Error 1911. Could not register type library for file C:\Program files\algor\algdbfio.cll. Contact your support personnel.

It occurs nine times in succession (which seems odd - why would it try to register a cll file nine times?). Registering the cll manually afterwards with regsvr32 works - but I don't really know what this error is a sign of, or why it can't register this .cll file when I can!

Anyway - since I was able to register it manually, and since the application appeared to work - I thought - I'll take out the offending file and manually install that with somesort of bodge.

*but* - after taking out the file from it's component, rebuilding the package, etc. I *still* get errors about registering a file - except this time it's a different file (but one that's a member of the same component as the algdbfio.cll file), and the error only occurs eight times now... Further experimentation leads me to the conclusion that a) The name of the file it's reporting is fairly arbitary [act. it's the key/first file of the component] and b) It's something to do with the component, rather than the files - but then why not fall over on every file in the component, rather than just x-number of times?

But other than that - I'm stumped. I don't even know where to start with this - can anyone help me?

(1) Reply
Use could use the Application Event Log in the Event Viewer to detect any component missing or broken. These failures normally occur when the typelib information for COM servers do not get populated correctly in the MSI table. You probably need to diagonise the Class, TypeLib and component MSI tables for the typelibs which fail to register.