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Application Path Assistance

I'm packaging the driver and application for Kensington MouseWorks 6.20. SetupCapture works perfectly well, it all compiles correctly, with one notable exception. I get the following error;

ISDEV : warning -3114: Application path [MOUSEWORKS1] does not contain destination of associated component kmw_page.dll_COM

When I have a look, the file is in the correct place, and there is a path to the directory. If I look at the component, and go to advanced settings/application paths, there is nothing listed. Online Help suggests that I can click on any of the files listed in the window and define a path. The only problem with that is there are no files in the window, and I can't seem to insert any.

Has anyone encountered this before? The MSI reports a path error when run, so this is not something I can just ignore.

Mark Weston
(1) Reply
You will want to look under registry view of kmw_page.dll_COM component for a registry entry under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\ key. The registry data of the registry entry would be the cause of -3114 build warning.