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Any Help with creating a drop down box

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Does anyone have information on creating a drop down box?

What would be the best way to create a drop down box with
14 items (Servernames).
Each item would make minor edits to two ini files.
The ini files are part of the package.
Each item listed in the drop down box would make edits to the same ini files.
Basically I want to display a drop down box to the client at installation.
The client would have a choice of 14 items. (servername)
Each item selection would make minor edits to the same ini files.
The edit would provide simple ip info, port and home directory.
I am researching the best method to do this.
Does anyone have any suggestions?

Happy Thanksgiving
(1) Reply
You may want to post this on InstallShield Developer 8 to get prompt answer as it more relevant to it.