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Annoying AdminStudio 11 feature

I'm setting permissions for a folder and of course I get errors :mad:
I get a component that is not associated; it's not added to the currently selected feature. The component is not visible in the Setup Design view, the only place where you can add it to a feature :mad:
Please fix this.
Also it would be nice if you could add the RemoveFile table to Other Data in the components.

I'm making a Basic MSI project.
(4) Replies
Maybe, you want to list out the steps taken to set permissions on a folder and error messages received.
KingVoodoo wrote:
I'm setting permissions for a folder and of course I get errors
All I do is right click on the folder; select properties/Permissions then set the permissions and click OK. The errors in this case are the component not associated with anything and that it's not visible in the Setup Design view.
Maybe it's by design, so it's not really an error, I don't know. But I decry the little procedure I have to go through every time I do this.
In Files and Folders view, I normally turn on Show Components, and operate on components, instead of on folders. Hope this pointer may alleviate your frustrations.

As for your feature requests, you can submit them to Macrovision directly, not here on community.
Thanks, I will.