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AdminStudio v5 and Developer v8.2

AdminStudio v5 and Developer v8.2
To some this may be a silly question but I don’t know the answer and is not prepared to just jump in and find the answers the hard way.

Question: I have Developer v8 installed on my pc, does AdminStudio replace Dev 8 (with added functionality) or will I need to keep both on my pc?
(1) Reply
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I've tried an eval of Developer v8 and after I want to to try the eval of AdmlinStudio.
When I install the AdminStudio, the setup says me that I have a previous copy. But it false.

I uninstall Developer v8 and try to reinstall AdminStuidio and it works fine.

The AdminStudio contains the Developer v8 application.

I hope its help you


sorry for my english 😉