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since ‎Dec 29, 2014
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I'm using installshield 2013 le and when creating a single image compressed, the setup.exe file is 200 mb, where my old setup file created from the visual studio setup project in 2010 is only 2 mb. Any way to reduce the size of the file? It's only a ...
I received this error when building from TFS Build Agent. -7159: The product license has expired or has not yet been initialized.Our build user has admin priviledges.The build server is 64 bit.The TFS agent is 2013 and Visual Studio is 2013 Ultimate ...
We have recently updated our Visual Studio 2013 setup projects to use InstallShield LE 2013. While building within the Visual Studio IDE everything builds fine, but when building on our build server or locally using msbuild we receive the following b...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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