Level 6
since ‎Nov 18, 2014
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  • 38 Posts
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I have 2 app pools.  One for .Net 4.8 that uses a managed AppPool under IIS .Net runtime 4.0, and a .Net Core AppPool that must be provisioned with "No Managed Code".  Let's call their names "AppPoolA" and "AppPoolB". InstallShield is creating 3 AppP...
Modern SQL connectivity often requires the connection to be encrypted, but the login dialog doesn't provide a way to specify that.  There are two features needed: 1. Whether or not the connection must be encrypted, 2. Whether or not the SQL server's ...
DigiCert sent us the following notification.  Does this affect the way Installshield signs setups? "This email is to inform you that the industry requirements for public OV code signing certificates are changing. Starting on November 15, 2022, at 00:...
InstallScript LaunchAppAndWait() function seems to  log the command line that was executed to the Windows Event log.  If that command line contains a password that gets logged too.  Can logging be turned off?
We have a problem where shared desktop icons don't reinstall correctly if the product is first uninstalled. Background:ALLUSERSPROFILE gets the value for ProgramData instead of Users\Public.MSI (c) (D0:34) [15:47:53:727]: Doing action: setAllUsersPro...
Online status:
‎Sep 22, 2023
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