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Level 6

.Net Core requires IIS "No Managed Code" AppPool.

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I have 2 app pools.  One for .Net 4.8 that uses a managed AppPool under IIS .Net runtime 4.0, and a .Net Core AppPool that must be provisioned with "No Managed Code".  Let's call their names "AppPoolA" and "AppPoolB".

InstallShield is creating 3 AppPools.  They are "AppPoolA", "AppPoolB", and "ASP.NET v4.0 AppPoolB".  The .Net 4.8 applications are mapping correctly to "AppPoolA", but the .Net Core applications get mapped to "ASP.NET v4.0 AppPoolB" instead of "AppPoolB".  The Core applications don't run because the 3rd AppPool is not set to "No Managed Code".

Please provide a fix.  Thank you,

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(1) Solution
Level 6

I might have gotten this to work by placing a space in the application's net runtime version field instead of leaving it blank.

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(1) Reply
Level 6

I might have gotten this to work by placing a space in the application's net runtime version field instead of leaving it blank.

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