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since ‎Jan 20, 2006
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IS 2013.Basic MSI.I converted a MSI to an ISM. (Works great. Thanks IS.)But, after the conversion was complete, I can't seem to find any of the InstallScript funstions.(The functions that live in the .RUL file.)As it turns out, the original project...
Afternoon,I was wondering if I might ask for some opinions as to how I might implement a New EXE custom action.Here's what my command line looks like, if I were to run it, from the command line.C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Caspol.exe...
Afternoon,Here's the deal.IS 2012 Pro Spring, Sp1.Basic MSI.I have an InstallScript custom action (that runs as defered), and checks for something.If this something is found, I want to display a message (I know how to do that) and then I want to term...
IS 2012 Spring professional, Basic MSI.I have a custom action that runs if a property does not exist.Install Exe Condition = Not PROPERTYNAMESo by default, it runs during an installation and an uninstallation and a major upgrade.Because normally, the...
Good morning,I would like to know if it is possible, to modify the value of a sting entry inside of my .ism via automation.I know the string identifier (ID_STRING34) of the string entry.I would like to use automation to change its value, before I sav...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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