Hello Chris,Thank you for that hint, I got the keys created by the porcedure [dbo].[CreateSymmetricKeyForCustomEncryption]. However this procedure has a line at the end that basically drops FNMSAPPortalKey.So the method ManageSoft.Compliance.Database...
Regarding missing 'FNMSAPPortalKey' key, I can't find it in sys.symmetric_keys table on SQL server. Actually this table is empty.Is there a way to import those keys - maybe something went wrong during the deployment?BR/Jakub
Thanks for the reply. I've already tryied to lower the Compatibility level to 120 with no effect. Still getting this exception:DevExpress.Xpo.DB.Exceptions.SqlExecutionErrorException: Executing Sql 'CLOSE SYMMETRIC KEY FNMSAPPortalKey' with parameter...
Hi Have you ever resolved this issue? I'm experiencing the same with 2023 R1.Also I've tyied to change the Compatibility level to 120 but with no effect.Thanks,Jakub