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Hi, we have recently migrated our pure InstallScript based project from Install Shield 12 to IS 2011. When I am uninstalling the product from ARP it doesn't uninstall the product. Based on:1) It still leaves the entry in ARP2) All the files it in...
What's the error code "-4093"? I got this error on one of our build VM, when compiling + build our product installer. (Note below, I have removed our product name/installer and replaced it with "xxx.msi" in the error statement.Language builtBuildin...
I use Basic MSI for our product, and during uninstallation event -- I call a custom action to prompt a user for his input. if (IDYES == MessageBox(@AskSaveUserFiles, MB_YESNO)) then..Note: I have tried calling MessageBox with "MB_SETFOREGROUND", ...
Hello, when I am installing a newly build installer(new files/binaries) over an existing product (same GUID) - none of my Components gets installed. Here is a MSI log around "InstallValidate" action...***********************************************...
Hi Franz and Josh, here is the udpate I got from Flexera support engineer. I have verified the suggested work-around."The problem occurs when the following is true in the project:1) In the General Information view, the 'Font Registration' is se...
Hi Josh, first of thank you for your response and I like your suggestion. I have recently logged a support incident for this issue. I can understand starting with default setup.rul will eliminate the doubt of prodcut migration issu, however not su...
NOTE: We are experiencing this(following) issue only after we converted our InstallScript project from IS 12 to IS 2011.In addition to previous information, an additional observation in installation log (setup.ilg):The product built using IS 12 -- sh...
Hi IG, I have recently migrated our IS version 12 InstallScript project to IS 2011. I am experiencing the same issue as you posted here -- were you able to find solution for this issue?Any guidance on this will be appreciated.Thanks,Vinay
Hi Tamas, I am running into very similar issue -- where on Vista/Win7 our standard message box during uninstallation stays behind InstallShield's wizard dialog.I assume you may have solved this issue -- if so, could you please advise? I have poste...