I am looking for capturing tool for x64bit platform for repackaging purpose. Does installshield 2009 or any other product of installshield supports caputuring and repackaging for x64 bit platform?Regards,Kapil
1. What will be condition if I want any component to get installed only during first installation but not during re-installation or self healing etc.? 2. What will be condition if I want any component to get installed during installation or re-instal...
HiI am getting following error message when I am installing msi"1: The installation cannot be run by directly launching the MSI package; you must run setup.exe". But my requirement is to run from msi. Advise what changes will be required in msi to ru...
Thanks Mike. I am downloading evluation of premier edition to test it. By the way, do you guys have plan to create capturing tool for pure 64bit apps? If yes, do you have any timeline when it will be out?
You can use SOURCELIST property for selfhealing but this require your original MSI (+ all files with MSI in case uncompressed MSI) to be copied locally on laptop or on network location which is always avalibale. Suppose you copy ur msi to C:\Support\...